Sunday, August 28, 2016

8/27/28: Feeling "Full," Why is it Satisfying?

Weight:  154.4

Yes, you read that right.  After all my talk and all my determination to stay the course, I veered off of it in a serious way for about 4 hours late yesterday afternoon.  Four hours is all it took for me to "gain" 2 pounds.  I put the word gain in quotation marks because I know it's temporary.  I know most of it will be gone tomorrow.  I know most of it is fluid retention, swelling, systemic inflammation, water-weight, or whatever you want to call it.  I call it my body's warning sign that tells me I mistreated it yesterday.

It started with dinner.  Well, it started before dinner.  I was hungry all day, just like I had been hungry all day on Friday and all day on Thursday.  There was only one day last week that I wasn't hungry all day long, I think it was Wednesday.  For the most part, throughout this last 4 years of losing weight, I have not been hungry. I am not sure why now, all of a sudden, I am hungry all of the time.  That's not true, I guess when I think about it I know what it is, it's stress.  The hormone cortisol is released when you are excessively stressed and cortisol stimulates hunger.  That is what it is.  Ugh.  I have to get rid of this high level of stress.  It's just plain unhealthy.

By the time I got to dinner last night, I was tired of being hungry.  I had a healthy breakfast and I had a healthy lunch.  We ate dinner on time, so that was not the problem.  Part of the problem is that we had a dinner that I really like.  When we sat down to eat, I took a reasonable portion of food.  After I ate it, I kept eating out of the serving dishes.  I ate until I was full, probably consuming about twice the calories I should have.  After dinner, it didn't stop.  I really wanted a beer and there were a few cold brews in the fridge.  I opened one and sipped at it while we played games.  It was a beer that Steve had bought and it tasted OK, but it wasn't my favorite, so I only drank about half of it.  I also opened a bottle of wine, but I only had about two sips even though it tasted pretty good.  Therefore, I didn't drink a lot, not even the equivalent of "one drink," but I was also craving something sweet.  I settled on raisins.  Raisins are not technically a forbidden food for me, but as a rule I don't keep dried fruit in the house because of its high sugar content and because of how I can substitute it for candy.  I did that last night.  I ate a lot of raisins last night.  I ate raisins until I didn't want any more.  By the way, the raisins were left over from making oatmeal cookies a few months ago, when we had a lot of family in the house.  I should probably throw the damn raisins away.

Last night I ate until I was full.  You know what I am talking about, right?  That feeling you get when you put enough food in your stomach that your tummy feels just slightly uncomfortable.  I never eat until I'm full.  Well, almost never.  I can't say never because I did it last night.  Most of the time I eat my prescribed portion of food, just enough to fuel me until my next meal, and most of the time I am fine with that.  Yet, there is something incredibly comforting about feeling full.  I have no idea why it is comforting, but it is.  Last night I wallowed in it.  This morning, I saw the result on the scale.  I just want to knock myself upside the head for that one.

It's as obvious to me as I am sure it is to all of you that I need to correct the underlying source of stress.  I am working on that, but it takes time.  There are a variety of scenarios that can play out and I need a little longer to see which makes the most sense for me and my family.  In the meantime, I have the day off from work tomorrow, which will help.  I can relax a little more today, get some cooking done, have a play day with Jack, and finish chores and relax a little more tomorrow.  I'm also going to go for my run when I am done with this blog post.  Last week rain and lightning kept me from two of my three runs and that frustrated me.  Yes, I know, I need a treadmill.  I'll remedy that one of these days.  But today, I can run outside.  It's 7:00AM and it is already very warm and very humid, but there is no lightning.  It's a perfect day for a run!

So there you go.  It is humbling to admit failure and my ridiculous eating yesterday afternoon feels like a failure. There is no reasonable excuse for it and I do not try to rationalize my behavior. At the same time, I do try to understand what triggered the behavior so that I can decrease the frequency of these episodes in the future.  I have lost about 100 pounds in the last fifteen years, 74 of them in the last four years, and it will probably take another 5 years, or more, to adjust my set point to a healthy 150 pounds.  I still have issues with food.  It's still a mood altering drug for me.  It takes constant vigilance and constant determination and a desire to be healthy into old age that is bigger than my desire to medicate my moods away to stay the course 98% of the time and to immediately get back on course when I stray.  I am back on track.  Again.  I am sure we will have this exact same conversation in the future.  Again.  Such is the way it goes.

Have a great day!  I know I am going to do my best to do exactly that!


  1. We have evolved to feel pleasure when we are full. You can't stop billions of years of evolution. As you said, reduce the stress when you can, run more until then, and cut yourself some slack.

    1. Cut myself some slack? That sounds nice. It's hard to find that just right balance between enough discipline to not get fat again and enough slack to relax and enjoy the ride. That balance is there somewhere. I'll find it!
