Thursday, August 11, 2016

8/11/16: Grandkids and Progress

Weight:  152.8

Yesterday was a much better day with regard to food.  I brought my lunch and dinner to work and I ate on schedule.  I wasn't "perfect."  I still had cravings and I succumbed to them twice.  The first time was when I was looking for someone after a particularly stressful meeting and she had a jar of those tiny, bite-size snickers bars on her desk.  I ate two of them.  When I got home from work I had a small handful of nuts.  The candy was obviously off-program.  The nuts are an on-program food, but they were not scheduled into my meal plan for the day.  Still, it was a much better food day than Tuesday was, and I am almost back on track.  I mowed the front lawn yesterday and I now know why Jackie keeps saying we need to get a self propelled mower.  That was work!  I need to mow the back lawn tonight.

I am happy to be getting back on program and I am looking forward to losing the few pounds I gained while on vacation.  It's funny how hard it is to maintain a program when I am not at home.  I start strong, but each day longer that I am away from home gets a little harder to stay on program.  Of course, having the five kids with us didn't help much!

Our vacation was a huge success!  We decided to take our time getting to and from Idaho Springs, CO, and I am glad we did.  The drives going both directions were like mini vacations of their own. The meat of the vacation was our camping trip with the kids.  Here are a few photos of our family:

All five kids that went camping with us.  Proof that they can all sit still at the same time!

Annika, the eldest

Alena, the baby of the family.  She didn't camp with us but we spent a day with the entire family at a theme park in Denver.

Grandmama with James, the younest (age 3) that camped with us.

James with his eyes open!

The kids after they got their Junior Ranger badges (except James, he is too young to be a Junior Ranger).

The five kids with Grandmama and Grandpa, on a hike.

All the kids with their beautiful mama.





  1. Roberta, you have created a beautiful. love-filled life. I'm so happy for you. Congratulations on your success with your program; you look amazing! Keep on truckin'!

    1. Thanks Anne!! It's amazing how much more fulfilling and enjoyable life is as I'm getting older. With age comes wisdom and perspective. It's a good thing!
