Monday, August 15, 2016

8/15/2016: Eat, Drink and be Merry?

Weight:  153.2

I ate and drank too much this weekend and I am a pound and a half heavier this morning because of it.  There was a family reunion in Topeka on Saturday with food, food, food, galore!  My meal was a relatively healthy taco salad, but the dessert table did me in.  Brownies, cookies, and cheesecake; oh my!  I shouldn't have had one, but I did.  One turned into many.

Saturday evening Jack and I went out and met a friend of mine for a couple of drinks.  A couple of drinks turned into three, which was fine, but we also split an order of chicken wings and french fries. On top of that it was late.  We ate at about 9:00PM.  Not good.  When I woke up yesterday I weighed 153.2 pounds, it could have been worse.  Yesterday was an incredibly busy day which included mowing the back yard which I declare is real exercise, and we ate dinner late, at around 6:00.  I also had a relatively large dinner because I pretty much skipped lunch (I snagged a chicken leg at about noon between chores), so any hope that I would weigh less this morning was pretty much tossed out the window.  The good news is that I didn't weigh any more than I did yesterday morning.

This morning it is back to the regimented food program that I know and love.  That is OK by me!

As promised, I started training for my half marathon on Saturday.  I did a 4.6 mile run on Saturday, for distance, and a base run this morning of 3.2 miles.  I haven't finished reading my training book yet, but my basic understanding is that training should start out with a couple of short-ish base runs a week and one run for distance.  No focus on speed during these runs.  Speed training, should I ever choose to do it, comes much, much later.  My distance run will get a little longer each week, but the recommendation is to walk as much as I need to walk to feel comfortable and so that I actually enjoy the run.  This will help prevent injury and keep running from being dreadful.  Later, hill training gets added.  After that, if so desired, speed training gets added.  I'm recording my training runs using Strava.

I have more to talk about, a lot was on my mind during my run this morning, but it's getting late and I have to go to work.  I hope to get up early enough tomorrow to put up a longer post.

Have a good one out there!!!

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