Tuesday, August 30, 2016

8/30/2016: Exercise

Weight:  154.4

I can't seem to get motivated to be very disciplined about food right this minute.  I want to be and I feel like I "should" be, but there are so many other things competing for my attention.  I'm not eating sweets, but I am eating a little too much to lose these four pounds that I want to lose.  It's a constant battle.  It will be a battle for many years to come.  Maybe, sooner or later, over time, my set point will change to a lower, healthier weight.  Until then, I'll have to keep fighting the good fight.

The other half of the equation is exercise.  It is a critical element to my program.  This week has started off well and I feel like I am settling into a healthy workout regimen of 3 strength training sessions and 3 runs a week.  Here is a snap shot of my last two workouts (yesterday's is on top, Saturday's is on the bottom).

I am posting this partly for the benefit of my trainer, so she can see the weights that I used yesterday. Hi Lauren!!

The workouts are designed to take a full hour, yesterday's took a little longer than that.  My goal with the strength training workouts is to be strong, agile, and well balanced into my very old age.  I am getting a little stronger every week.  I guess there will come a time when I stop getting stronger and the program will be about maintaining strength, but I'm not there yet.  I have to admit, I kind of like strength training.  At the very least, I like the way it makes me feel.  There is something very satisfying about being strong and having muscle definition.  It is still my goal to be able to do a pull up some day.  I am no where close.  When I hang from the bar I can't even lift myself an inch.  It must be a lack of lat and back strength.  We're working on that!!  I have a slight pain on the inside of my left elbow when we do dumbbell curls.  Lauren is pretty sure it's a sore tendon, because I don't feel it when I do hammer curls.  It is possible that the tendon is stressed because of weak grip strength in my left hand, so we are going to do more grip strengthening exercises to see if that helps.

Today is going to be a good day!  Have fun!!

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