Wednesday, August 31, 2016

8/31/16: Focus on Exercise and Fitness

Weight:  154.6
Exercise:  3.2 mile run (Week 3, Run 2 - Base)

I need to get the food situation figured out.  I'm still eating a little too much.  I still have cravings.  I am still attributing that mostly to stress.  The stress level has decreased somewhat, I hope to see an improvement with the food cravings soon.

In the meantime, I am focusing on my exercise regimen.  Along with posting my weight daily, I will post the exercise that I have done since my previous post.  This morning I went for a 3.2 mile run.

While on my run this morning I was thinking about strength training vs. running.  Which is more important?  Why?  Intellectually, I give them equal importance because they accomplish very different things.  I find weight lifting more immediately rewarding because it's easier to see and feel the changes in my body; therefore, it is harder to motivate myself to run.  I want to run three times a week.  My goal is to run a half-marathon next fall.  Training will consist of 2 base runs a week (relatively short, consistent distances) and 1 run for distance each week.  This is my 3rd week of training.

I want to be able to do a pull-up.  Why?  Partly because I've never been able to do one, but partly for safety.  I want to be strong enough that I can pull myself up into a boat or onto a dock without a ladder, for instance.  I can't do that.  I have to have help.  I don't think it is a lack of arm strength as much as it is a lack of chest, back and lat strength.  Someday.

I gotta run.  The clock is chiming and telling me to get to work.

Have a great day!!

PS - Hi Ruth!!  I ran in the rain, today!

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