Saturday, October 24, 2015

10/24/2015: The World Series!

Days of abstinence: 31
Days until surgery: 52
Weight:  164.0 pounds

Wow!  The Royals did it!  They are the American League Champions 2 years in a row!  To quote a popular phrase in Kansas City these days, “We are not a fluke!” 

Last night’s game was an intense roller coaster ride.  If you’re a fan you’ve either seen the game or already read the articles (or like Jack and me, both) and if you’re not a fan, you don’t really care about the play by play; so I am not going to get into that, here.  But, my-oh-my what a roller coaster ride of emotions!  It was a long game, with an hour long rain delay in the middle of the 8th inning, to boot.  Then, we won! so we had to stay for the awards ceremony.  We did not get home until almost 1:00AM.  I am usually in bed by 9:15 and asleep by 9:30.  I usually wake up by 5:00AM, even on the weekends.  This morning I did not wake up until 8:00AM and when I did wake up I had a terrible headache.  I decided the best thing I could do for my headache was follow my normal routine, so I cooked my normal breakfast (scrambled eggs, half a plate of sautéed vegetables, and a small bowl of fruit), fixed my coffee, drank a couple of big glasses of water, and ate breakfast before Jack woke up.  I almost always wait for Jack to get up on Saturdays and cook a special breakfast for the two of us, but today I felt like I needed to stick with the basics.  I feel much better now and am just about ready to head to work for the rest of the day.  I really, really want more coffee, but I have committed to only drinking my normal 2.5 cups a day (one French press pot full).  I know the craving for more coffee will pass, soon.  I don’t drink coffee after noon, anyway, and it is now after noon.  What a hangover!!  And I didn’t even have any alcohol to drink last night.

You may have noticed that I have finally started losing weight again.  I am so glad.  I’ve lost 5.4 pounds since I started blogging again on September 19th.  Progress!  Slow progress, but progress, nevertheless.  I’m just sticking with the program.  I’ll get there.

Food continues to not be an issue.  I am content with my Program and am not having any trouble staying on it.  If anything is an issue, it is having to resist eating a piece of fruit for a snack.  I find myself, every now and then, wanting to snack on a piece of fruit, because fruit is so sweet.  I have decided to limit my fruit to three servings a day which consists of a fruit bowl with my breakfast and a piece of fruit after lunch and after dinner.  Usually that piece of fruit is an apple, because it’s easy to pack.  I have been thinking, lately, that I should probably try to get a wider variety of fruit into my diet, but that will have to wait until I am not so busy.   Other than that, no cravings.  I did have a “moment” earlier this week.  I had a meeting that started at 11:00AM that went, unexpectedly, until 1:30PM, so I ate lunch about 2 hours late.  I walked into the kitchen at work to get my lunch out of the refrigerator and heat it up and there was a box of bagels on the counter.  For one second, they looked good.  For a flash I thought I’d eat a bagel.  But then I remembered that I was On Program, reminded myself why I was On Program, and the moment passed.  I found it interesting, though, that I actually, for a flash, “forgot” about my program.  It is funny what can happen when you get hungry.

My biggest issue is just a plain lack of time.  I am making sure that I am getting meals cooked, but the one thing I am not doing quite enough of is exercising.  This does not make me happy, but if I have to choose between sleep and exercise, about half the time I will choose sleep.  The other half the time I choose exercise because I can’t stand not exercising at least 3 or 4 times a week.  It’ll get better after the end of the month, or soon thereafter.  Oh yeah.  Don’t forget those Royals.  All of these ball games are time consuming, too!!

All in all, I’m happy and life is good.  No complaints.  Well, no serious complaints, anyway!

Have a beautiful day!

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