Tuesday, October 6, 2015

10/6/15: Too Busy

Days of abstinence: 13
Days until surgery: 71 (Those days just keep ticking off.  It’s making me nervous)
Weight:  165.6 pounds

As I suspected, the uptick on the scale was temporary, probably due to muscle inflammation.  I’m still sore today, but feeling much better.

I didn’t leave work until 9:00 last night.  My day starts at 7:00, so that’s a long day.  Today will be another long day, but tomorrow I have to leave by 6:00 to bowl, Thursday I need to leave by 4:00 for the first Royals game of the division series, and Friday I need to leave by noon for game two.  I am going to work a lot of extra hours between now and the end of the month, probably until December 16th, but I told my bosses that the tradeoff is that I am going to take the chunks of time here and there that I need to take for activities that I have planned with family.  So I’ll have crazy long days and I’ll work weekends, but if the Royals make it to the World Series, I am going to every home game!!

I feel good.  It’s a little rough getting up in the mornings when I don’t get home from work until 9:30, mostly because it’s hard to fall asleep right away, but that is to be expected.  My abstinence program is going fine.  I am not having any cravings and I am not getting hungry or cranky between meals.  I pack my lunch and dinner when I know I am going to work late, so that helps a lot.  No worries there.  I’m getting the projects at work done at the pace that they need to be done.  That helps alleviate some of the stress.  All in all, everything is fine.

I put up a quick post mid-day yesterday with a link to an article about the impacts of sugar on our health.  It sites numerous studies that have been done over the last couple of decades.  I encourage you to read it.  I’d appreciate any comments or thoughts you have about it.  I think the more we talk honestly about sugar the better we will be at understanding that it does have serious negative impacts on our health.  At least that is the way I see it.  I am happy that I have made the decision to know longer eat the sweet stuff.

I’ve gotta run.  It’s going to be another big day.  The auditors show up this morning.  Fun, fun, fun.

Have a beautiful day. 

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