Monday, October 5, 2015

10/5/15: A Bit of a Rough Morning. Sore Muscles!

Days of abstinence: 12
Days until surgery: 72
Weight:  167.0 pounds

I had a lot of trouble waking up this morning which is unusual for me, particularly when I get to bed on time; which I did last night.  I was in bed before nine, so getting up at 4:00 to exercise should have been easy.  Most mornings, in spite of my very early hour, I wake up before the alarm goes off.  Not today.  No Siree Bob.  This morning the alarm woke me up and I knew I needed more sleep so I reset the alarm for 4:50 and skipped my exercise for the morning.  This seemed perfectly reasonable to me considering how sore my arms are.  Ouch!

When I finally got up and weighed myself I was surprised to see that the scale had gone up, not down.  If you are like me and monitor your weight daily then you know there can be temporary swings in your weight.  For me, I usually know when it’s coming and it’s usually caused by something that I am aware that I did.  If I eat a big dinner late in the day or eat a lot of particularly salty foods, I know I will be a little bloated in the morning.  I didn’t do either of those things yesterday.  Also, and this is going to sound funny, but I can usually tell if I am going to weigh more or less than I did yesterday by how heavy my breasts are.  When my breasts feel heavy, I know I’m retaining water for some reason and I’ll see it on the scale.  That was not the case this morning though.  In fact, overall, I feel relatively lean this morning; so I was surprised to see the scale result.  Not upset, mind you, just a little surprised.  I am always curious about what causes these fluctuations.  I think it is good to know what is going on inside my body, as much as I can know. 

The only thing that I can think of that would cause this temporary weight gain is muscle inflammation.  I think the same thing caused my need for extra rest this morning.  I did a particularly difficult workout yesterday, followed by kickball.  The workout was a Daily Burn Black Fire workout called Weighted Tabata.  It goes like this:

After about 4 – 5 minutes of warm up exercises you do eight sets of 4 different exercise.  Each set is 20 seconds long with a 10 second break between sets.  You do as many reps as you can each set, then your score for that exercise is the lowest # of reps you got in any one set.  For instance, the first exercise was a push press.  Hold 15 pound dumbbells in each hand with your arms bent and holding the dumbbells just above your shoulders.  In one movement, bend your knees slightly, then straighten them to stand up tall and at the same time push the dumbbells straight up into a shoulder press.  Do as many as you can in 20 seconds.  Rest 10 seconds.  Then do it again, as many push presses as you can for 20 seconds, then rest 10 seconds.  Do 8 sets.  My first set I did 10.  By the time I got to the last set I was doing 6.  More importantly, by the time I got to the last set, I was lifting to fail.  In other words, I could not do another one.

The next exercise was easier and I timed out on it.  I was not to the point of failure during the 20 second set.  It was a dumbbell swing, like a kettle bell swing, but with a 20 pound dumbbell.  My score on that was 9.  (Therefore, I did at least 9 times 8 = 72 dumbbell swings, since 9 was my lowest score in the 8 sets).

The third exercise was a Bent Over Row using 15 pound dumbbells.  My score was 6 and I was exercising to failure on that one.  And the last exercise was a dumbbell thruster, which was not unlike the push press but instead of bending your knees slightly you go into a deep squat and then push yourself up and do the shoulder press.  Again, I exercised to failure and my score was 6.

The results?  My arms (mostly biceps) hurt today!  Not just that vague muscle soreness but seriously hurt.  Not in a bad, scary way like, “Oh my god, did I hurt myself?” hurt, but more in that, “Shit, that was one hell of a workout, hurt.”  I think my body didn’t want to get out of bed this morning because it was working hard on healing those damaged muscles.  I think the same thing caused the weight gain.  That soreness in those muscles is inflammation.  There is a lot of repair work going on in those muscles right now, and that repair work starts with inflammation, which is going to cause some weight gain.

I think I did the right thing this morning to sleep in for a few extra minutes this morning and to take the day off from a workout.  I’ll drink a lot of water today and eat right.  I’m sure I’ll be even more sore tomorrow, but by Tuesday my muscles should be feeling better.

With regard to food and my sugar addiction, everything is fine.  No cravings.  No desire to go off program.  Susie brought cupcakes to kickball yesterday for Rick’s birthday.  I was not even tempted.  I am feeling confident and strong in my commitment to abstain from sweets forever and ever.  I am not feeling deprived or sorry for myself or like there is something wrong with me.  It just is what it is.  For now, this does not feel like a big deal, it’s just a deal.

I have a HUGE week ahead of me at work.  Very soon I will be able to blog about what is going on.  Until then, all I can say is that we are undergoing a mid-year audit (for good reasons) and I’ve had zero time to prepare for it.  As far as I can tell I’ll be working long days and weekends until my surgery date of December 16th.  Fun Stuff.  Oh, yeah, the stress doesn’t help with weight loss.  I do believe that stress causes increased cortisol levels which makes it difficult to lose weight.  That said, I took the day completely off yesterday, got all our meals cooked, played kickball, worked out, and had time to sit on the couch to relax with Jack.  I know it is important to have days like that, even when I am extremely busy.  I know it helps keep the stress level in check.

That’s it for now.  Have a beautiful day!!

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