Friday, October 12, 2012

10/12/12: Time is Flying By!!

It's October 12th already!!  This year is going to be gone in a blip.  It's funny how once summer is over it feels like the rest of the year just takes a blink of an eye.  Of course, once winter sets in and January is here, the first three months of next year will take forever to get through.  There is a lot to get done at Castle Creations before year end.  That is definitely part of the stress that I am feeling right now.  It's going to be a rough several months.

Morning weight:  167.4
Exercise:  2nd rest day (It feels odd, but good, to be resting.  I feel better this morning, but that might be because the O's won last night!!  If they win one more, it will be the Orioles against the Tigers.  I see some betting going on between my sister and brother!!)
Yesterday's calories:  1495

Carla's boyfriend, Drew, will be here tomorrow evening.  Jack and I are looking forward to meeting him.  Carla's never been this excited about bringing a boy home before.  It should be interesting!  I am becoming quite curious about meeting this young man.  He must be something special to have Carla this excited!!

That's it for news.  Have a beautiful day!!

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