Wednesday, October 24, 2012

10/24/12: Water, Water, Water!!!

Morning Weight:  164.2
Morning Exercise:  Strength Training with personal trainer.
Yesterday Evening's exercise:  2 mile run with Carla.  Alternated running fast for two blocks and walking for one block
Yesterday's Calories:  1688
Vitamins:  1-A-Day, D, B-Complex, Calcium

I am becoming a believer in the importance of drinking a lot of water.  I've been drinking a lot of water for years and years.  I'm lucky in that I like water and prefer it over just about every other beverage other than my two cups of coffee in the morning.  But when I get really busy and absorbed in something, particularly at work, I tend to forget to purposely drink water throughout the day.  I recently noticed that I wasn't drinking as much over the last few weeks, I also wasn't peeing as much, but when I added up the glasses of water I was drinking it was over the recommended 8 eight ounce glasses of water a day so I didn't take immediate action to be more disciplined with my water drinking.

Then I read yet another article about losing weight and it mentioned that the body cannot burn fat if it is dehydrated so I decided, just in case the change in my water consumption was the culprit with respect to my plateau, to be more regimented about water consumption.  I now have a little check mark chart on my white board at work which I check off as I fill my water glass at 10, 12, 2 and 4.  Beginning with the day that I started focusing on drinking a lot of water I started losing weight again.  Like Magic.  Seriously.  It feels like magic. 

I know it is not really magic.  I am exercising every day, sometimes twice a day and I am counting every calorie and the fact of the matter is I burn more calories than I consume.  So drinking a lot of water doesn't cause weight loss, but it seems to be difficult to lose weight if drinking a lot of water is not part of the regimen.  So bottoms up!!! Drink that water!!!  It DOES make a difference!


  1. You're right! I've read that water doesn't directly cause weight loss, but it contributes by helping your stomach feel full so you eat less. (Test it by downing 6-8 ounces of water five minutes before sitting down to a meal.) Also, when we're dehydrated, our body's sensors misread the symptom as hunger causing us to eat more when, in fact, we just need fluid hydration. Also--it has to be said--you look freaking AWESOME!!! One of the things I've always admired about you is your determination and "I'm doing this" attitude.

    1. Thanks Lisa!! I think about you and Joe a lot!! Someday we'll have to get together for a weekend somewhere. I'd love you to meet Jack and we'd have a blast. Maybe after I get to goal. It can be a celebration!!
